The One Hour Residency is a framework, challenging artists resources, Space, Time and Equipment.

The One Hour Residency is an ongoing program founded within an artist’s co-working studio, the residency adopts a collaborative appreciation for space. The initiative is a participatory performative arts program, spotlighting ways that spaces can be activated by lo-fi interaction.

The Tombola Residency is a festival and fayre adaptation. Allowing for a snappier artistic enquiry to be made.

Adopting an element of luck and chance to facilitate your
creative framework!

The ethos of everything we do is to consider everyone as an artist, removing conventional barriers for participation.
At our core, a DIY approach contrasts the exclusivity associated with  major institutional art spaces.

Check out our in-depth digital archive, est. Dec 2023.

From the studio we were founded in, to trains, to planes, to parks, follow the artists on their creativity ^^^